Risk A Reduction Seminar

Objectives • Differentiate between prevention and promotion • Describe the challenges of prevention in population-based nursing • Describe the challenges of promotion in population-based nursing Assignment Overview In this assignment, you will develop an educational activity that targets reduction of a specific health risk. Deliverables 1. A one- to two-page (250- to 500-word) educational activity plan a. Identify a health risk teaching topic. Choose a teaching topic related to a health risk. For example, you could choose heart disease, breast cancer, type 2 diabetes mellitus, cervical cancer, hyperlipidemia, melanoma, or another health risk. b. Research the ways to reduce this health risk. Using nursing texts, medical resources, nursing journals, and reputable Internet sources, create a list of lifestyle habits and changes that reduce this health risk and promote health. c. Develop an educational activity focused on reducing this health risk. Using the nursing process as a guide, develop an educational activity focused on strategies to reduce a specific health risk. Be sure to discuss challenges uniquely associated with promoting health and preventing disease related to this particular health risk. While all steps of the nursing process must be addressed, the primary focus of this assignment is the “planning” step. Support your plan with resources/citations. d. Describe the plan. Create a document that describes the plan for the educational activity as follows: • Assessment o Health risk • Diagnosis o Knowledge deficit related to the identified health risk • Planning o Title of educational program (based on your assessment and diagnosis) o Target audience: (for example, patients/families or nurses) o Learning outcomes (the goals of the educational program) o Teaching strategies (for example, discussion, lecture, video clips, Q & A) o The educational activity (a plan) • Implementation o The educational activity (propose when/where /how long, but do not carry out the activity). • Evaluation o How you will assess the extent to which the learning outcomes were met • Resources o A list of resources/citations that substantiate the health risk and support your educational activity plan

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