Report – present a clear business case for investment in the activity proposed

DIRECT AND DIGITAL MARKETING Area • Length : 1,250 words (+-10%) • Deadline : 15 August 2019 Chosen company: Lloyds Banking Group Your proposal should present a clear business case for investment in the activity you propose. You are not required to develop an actual campaign action plan or agency brief. Instead you should focus on 1) Your rationale for setting the objective/s and metrics you have: Draw on your situation analysis to explain what benefits your campaign will bring to the business, why it is needed, how it adds value to or improves upon existing marketing activities. 2) Explaining WHY the strategic approach you propose is appropriate to the objective/s you have set: Use theory and research to show why and how it will work. Remember the module learning outcomes and think carefully how you can provide evidence of these abilities in your written work. It’s also very important that you remember that although this is a practical task, it has been set in an academic context. You need to use quality sources and support your ideas with reference to theory and support any claims with evidence and data where appropriate. You should use the Harvard referencing system and a high standard submission should include at least 7 different credible references. What should the proposal contain? You may find the following structure helpful but you should not feel constrained by it if you feel there is a more compelling way to present and justify your recommendations. • Objective (and rationale) 500 words. As this is a specific campaign proposal you need to be very clear about your chosen target/s and the desired response to the campaign. (Think of the 4 Strategic direct marketing objectives under RETENTION or ACQUISITION) There also needs to be clear alignment between your One objective set and how you propose to measure campaign success. Does it link to an opportunity outlined in the objective setting tutorials? How will the campaign be measured and evaluated? Metrics should link clearly to specified objectives. Cost per X… will be key. • Strategic approach and justification for your recommendations. 750 words. What approach do you plan to employ in order to meet the objectives set? (remember this is not a tactical action plan). Again, you should make clear reference to theory and support your proposals with references and data. The following are usually key elements of DM strategy and may give you some ideas for subheadings o Data: How will data be obtained and organised, how will targets be identified. o Offer / positioning: What are you offering in return for your desired response? Include key selling points of your product / service and details of any incentives you plan to use. o Do you clearly and logically equate your objective to short and long term value (CLTV and NPV) will help here with a table. • Arial 12 font, double spaced in a report format with numbers, any additional executive summary, appendices and conclusions exclusive of word count.

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