International Political Economy and Business

Follow the requirements below to complete the task, and I will upload the courseware and some References. There are three references that must be used. And I need an outline What are the main characteristics of the International Political Economy? How does trade and power shape contemporary economic globalisation?

Notes 1. Be sure that your answer explains your understanding of the IPE with reference to both political and economic factors.

2. A clear explanation of ‘contemporary economic globalisation’ is essential.

3. Your answer should refer to the main international institutions that impact on governments and on business.

4. You must discuss the role of Neoliberalism in the IPE as a driver of globalisation, and comment on both positive and negative outcomes of that process.

5. You may conclude with remarks on how to ensure a positive future for the IPE and for corporations.

Whichever essay you choose, you should refer to key readings and supplementary readings suggested for the module. With the exception of on-line journal or newspaper access, websites should be used only sparingly and be limited to international institutions’ official sites, and respected NGOs. For the essay that you choose, you are invited to submit a one page outline on A4 to the module leader in order to receive feedback on your proposed answer. The outline MUST display the FULL essay title, the structure of your answer, and reference to key sources that you will use with Harvard referencing conventions.

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