Information technology senior analyst at your company

Information technology senior analyst at your company

You are the information technology senior analyst at your company. Your company can be a real business where you work or a virtual business that you would like to start.

You are the information technology senior analyst at your company

You are the information technology senior analyst at your company. Your company can be a real business where you work or a virtual business that you would like to start. In both cases, you should be familiar with the business environment and the nature of work performed at your selected company. If you need help with selecting an appropriate company, please contact your instructor.

Firstly, Your CEO meets with you and assigns you the following tasks, which you will assemble in a written report to the CEO:

Secondly, Review the company’s infrastructure and identify of all types of vulnerabilities: environmental, physical, and human.

Thirdly, Suggest and discuss security models that can be used to overcome the associated security risks.

Fourthly, Design a robust security plan for the company.

Further, Design a code of ethics related to the IT profession that can be applied at the company.

Also, Describe the company you will be analyzing for the project. Include size, industry, and location.(25 Points)

Your well-written paper should meet the following requirements:

Paper length: 8-10 pages not including the required cover and reference pages.
Include at least five references in addition to the course textbook. The CSU-Global Library is a good place to find these references.
Format the entire paper according to the CSU-Global Guide to Writing and APA.

More details;

How do you create a security plan?
Incorporate the following 5 steps as part of your own information security plan.
  1. Form Your Security Team. …
  2. Assess Your System and Its Security Risks. …
  3. Manage Data Assets. …
  4. Identify the Regulatory Standards That Apply to Your Organization and Work Out a Compliance Strategy.

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