What is the role of the Queen in the play Why does Shakespeare make her a woman instead of the girl, as the historical figure was?
Your purpose is to analyze one of Shakespeare’s Richard II. The objectives for this essay are: (1) to demonstrate the ability to narrow down a topic, (2) to effectively present a focused analysis in which summary of plot and unnecessary details are avoided, (3) to use the drama concepts studied in class such as plot, character, performance, setting, conflict, etc. effectively in the analysis, (4) to use critical and innovative thinking in the analysis, (5) to effectively use Reader-Response criticism as lens, (6) to prove points using the text, (7) to use grammar, mechanics, and punctuation conventions effectively, and (8) to use MLA conventions adequately. Length and Format 2-3 typed pages, double-spaced, 1” margins, 12-point standard font size. Task Write a focused critical interpretation of Richard II. The analysis must be both original and insightful. It must reflect the point of view of the Reader-Response school of criticism It must include a reflection statement about yourself (see Body section on p. 2) Due Date Submit on Canvas by 11:59 pm on Thursday, August 15 Criteria of Evaluation Essay has to include a creative title that reflects your interpretation of the play. Number the pages on the upper right corner of each page. Ex.: Jones 1. MLA format (parenthetical citations and works cited entries for each source) is required. Avoid using the second person Use the present tense to refer to events that happen during the timeframe of the play. Development of a strong introduction that includes a clear thesis statement, opening arguments, and writer-based techniques such as a forecast or a framing device. As you go through the evidence, include assertions, examples, and explanations to convey critical readings and interpretations of the texts with which you are working. Don’t over quote nor end your paragraphs with a quotation. Always explain the quote’s significance, especially in relation to the thesis statement. For quotes of four lines or longer use the “block format” and explain the details of this long quote and why it means. Prove points using the text. End with a concluding paragraph that presents more than a recapitulation of the thesis and main points, but a “Big Picture” of the importance of your analysis. Proper use of grammar and syntax will be important in conveying ideas lucidly. Structure Introduction “Hook” the reader by introducing its author, by briefly summarizing the plot, by concisely describing an interesting aspect from the play, by describing its main themes, and by providing relevant background information about the play, its author, and any other relevant information. Then ease into your thesis: 1-2 sentences that encapsulate your interpretation of the play. Thesis should be arguable and not solely based on personal opinion or constitute a statement of fact. Articulate the thesis in specific and effective. Underline this statement, please. Body Develop your analysis. Remember to make logical claims and prove them with ample and appropriate evidence from the play. Make analysis innovative. Include a statement about why you think you interpret the play this way. Reader-Response criticism stems from the life of the critics themselves. So, what do you think in your background, age, gender, educational level, etc., makes you see the play the way you, and only you can and do? Conclusion End your analysis by paraphrasing your thesis and leaving readers with a sense of closure avoiding both a mechanical repetition of previously mentioned points as well as bringing up a new topic.
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