What are the various and unique complexities of Afro-Caribbean religions?

What are the various and unique complexities of Afro-Caribbean religions? What is the image of Vodou throughout the Caribbean? Positive or Negative, explain why? (Please note that do not pass your own personal judgment on any one religion over another. I want us to have a discussion without causing offense to anyone.) Academic Level : Bachelor Paper details What are the various and unique complexities of Afro-Caribbean religions? What is the image of Vodou throughout the Caribbean? Positive or Negative, explain why? Please watch the video on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gtKpkm7xYi8&feature=youtu.be (Please note that do not pass your own personal judgment on any one religion over another. I want us to have a discussion without causing offense to anyone.) The Response should be 3-4 paragraphs. The sources to be used will be uploaded. No other materials to be used.

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