Volunteers in disaster response – What are the rewards and the risks?

 Professor instructions: Volunteers in disaster response – What are the rewards and the risks? (Consider advantages to using volunteers in response.


Paper details:

Scholarly Project Professor instructions: Volunteers in disaster response – What are the rewards and the risks? (Consider advantages to using volunteers in response along with challenges such as training, legal concerns, personal exposure, insurance, integration into ICS, etc. Be sure to reference important legislation such as the Volunteer Protection Act). This is the outline I submitted on the essay—During disasters, volunteers represent over half of the responding personnel dispatched. They are needed to aid disaster victims and help rebuild communities. 1) Train, Retain, and Organize Volunteers. 2) Limiting Harmful Exposure to Volunteers. 3) Legal Concerns for the Volunteers. Please use FEMA, The Volunteer Act and Volunteer organizations like the Red Cross as reference to cite

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