Vaccine scope

Fall 2019. Bio 204 SCOPE – Homework assignment: Vaccinations: Where Do You Stand? 30 points Preliminary Information In recent years, one of the more controversial topics covered by the media involves the use of vaccines and whether children in the U.S. are receiving too many vaccines or vaccines with side effects. Your job in completing this assignment will be to research the use of vaccines and the perceived pros and cons versus the pros and cons supported by scientific literature. There will be several parts of the assignment to complete. Note: Since this type of writing is different than what you might be used to, below are some useful online resources for assistance with writing lab reports and properly using scientific tone: It is highly recommended to make an appointment with the writing center at FRCC (Library Room L280) for additional assistance or submitting your paper for assessment and advice to the online writing lab (OWL) Format: Double-spaced 12 point font size The report to be written in a scientific manner. Part I: What are the pros and cons of vaccines according to the public? (5 points) For this part, you will use various websites to research the opposing positions on vaccines and their necessity (those for vaccinations and those against) You want to look for websites that provide stories about children that were or were not vaccinated and the consequences. Here are a few ideas to get you started: In a Word Document, create a list of at least 4 websites. Then, create a table that lists the PROS for vaccines (from those in support) and CONS (for those against) with the number of the resource shown behind it. List at least 6 PROS and 6 CONS. Part II: Does scientific literature support or counter the public view? (10 points) After exploring the views presented by various websites, you will now use research engines provided by the library to search for peer-reviewed resources to try and counter or support the findings you listed in Part I. You must use these resources and make a list of the 6 Pros and Cons. Provide a list of the specific resources you used. These must be peer-reviewed resources. You will create a copy of the Table you made in Part I and then add a column that summarizes your research finding with the resource(s) noted. You will be evaluated on both your summary as well as whether the resources you utilized are peer-reviewed and quality resources. Part III: What are the potential side effects and benefits of vaccines (5 points) Pick 2 vaccines that are currently administered to children in the U.S. Find the vaccine on the CDC’s website and list the disease that the vaccine protects against (benefit) as well as the side effects (both mild and serious). Part 4: Brochure(8 points) Using Microsoft Word or another computer program, create a tri-fold brochure that will inform the public about vaccines. You may choose to make a brochure that covers vaccines in general or goes into the specifics for one particular vaccine. Your brochure should include sections that: 1. address the purpose of vaccines and how they work. 2. explain the typical side effects of vaccines (risks). 3. explain why vaccines are important for public safety and address any misconceptions about vaccines Bibliography (works cited): (2 points) All references included in this section must also be properly cited in the text. For the reference format for bibliography and citations use either APA format or MLA format. For how to format citations and bibliography for different types of sources, please use the following resources: bibliography.shtml#keyinfo As a general guide APA uses the (author last name, date) format for citations and for alphabetical listing for bibliography. MLA uses the (author last name, page #) format for citations and alphabetical listing format for the bibliography Helpful hint for finding additional references: Start with a key term google search to find scientific journals articles and references to reputable sources, textbooks, University websites, Scientific American etc., the website for the American microbiological society, is a great site for links to journals with primary and secondary sources (research articles and review articles) on a variety of microbiological topics. An excellent resource for finding primary scientific research articles is the FRCC library databases which are located here: It even has links to citation assistance, tutorial videos, and online search engines including Pubmed.

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