To what extent can mass media be used to convey the changing ideology of feminist values?

To what extent can mass media be used to convey the changing ideology of feminist values?


Paper details:

Possibly add to the research question; “and how does its interpretation change depending on which lens is used”?; This is an IB EE Category 3 English A Language paper – Studies in Language research paper (Textual analysis skills, reference to culture and context, rooted in primary and secondary sources originally written in English. The research is about feminist ideology from a language perspective and during different time periods. – common patterns in texts, – do they support the ideology, – do they refute the ideology, – modern versus contemporary lens, – context for each time period. – Representation of women in advertising throughout the different time periods, representation of feminist values 20th century, Changing roles of women in the 20th century. Always from a language perspective. Please see attachment no 6 for further details. Additional Sources recommendations would be much appreciated.

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