There is an old saying that we cannot see the forest for the trees

For this assignment, you will write a cause and effect essay based on one of the three writing prompts shown below:
There is an old saying that we cannot see the forest for the trees. In other words, while we concentrate on the smaller things, we ignore the bigger ones.

There is an old saying that we cannot see the forest for the trees

To  learn the development and structure of a cause and effect essay including creating a thesis statement and writing  introduction, supportive paragraphs, and conclusion paragraphs.


For this assignment, you will write a cause and effect essay based on one of the three writing prompts shown below:

There is an old saying that we cannot see the forest for the trees. In other words, while we concentrate on the smaller things, we ignore the bigger ones. Conspiracy theories can be like that. Sometimes conspiracy theories are focused so much on arguing a singular point or standing against a single aspect of an issue that the greater issue is missed. (For example, if lizards have taken over the government, what is the point in voting for change?  That may be an extreme example, but many theories function this way.)  Why do we think in these patterns, and what are the problems with this mindset?

○Lack of power—in our own lives, in our position in society, in politics, in opposition to an issue—is a significant motivator.

It can motivate us to feel fear, to change our behavior, or to take action. We have seen examples of these reactions through the articles in the textbook and our discussion board. Sometimes these reactions are helpful to enact change in the power structure, but sometimes they are harmful to the cause, to ourselves, or to other people.

How can people understand powerlessness, and how can they understand the most appropriate ways to gain power or change their situations?

○       There is an important concept called critical thinking. Some aspects of critical thinking are the ability to understand our own biases and limitations, and the ability to understand someone else’s viewpoint even if we do not agree with it. Why is this kind of thinking important, and what problems arise when we do not engage in it?

● You will use the essays assigned from the textbook reading as sources to support your position, and you will not include any other research in your essay, as we will cover research later in the semester.

These essays include: “Why Rational People Buy into Conspiracy Theories” pg 338+, “What Motivates Terrorists?” pg 344+, and “Photos That Change History” pg 356+.
●       Your essay may focus on causes, effects, or both. You should write your essay in response to one of the assigned writing prompts, and then use words, phrases, sentences, examples, etc. to quote from the textbook essays to support your position.

To start working on this essay, first read the textbook essays thoroughly.  Additionally, read the prompts and start thinking about which one you would like to answer. Then re-read the textbook essays and look specifically for ideas that you can apply to your topic. A sample outline is provided below.

The only sources you should use are the articles in the textbook. Do NOT Google or look for other websites about the above topics. Not only will that be potentially problematic for plagiarism, but it will not meet the requirements of the assignment. I want to see YOUR thinking, not someone else’s.

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