The Very Old Man with Enormous Wings has symbolic elements

The Very Old Man with Enormous Wings has symbolic elements

This paper focuses on“The Very Old Man with Enormous Wings” has symbolic elements. In this assignment, you will analyze specific things that characters think, feel, say, and experience to conclude larger, more general truths about the author’s presentation of or convictions about the world.

“The Very Old Man with Enormous Wings” has symbolic elements

Each text we have read presents symbols that can be interpreted in different ways. Consider one such work and explore the symbol(s) in the work and how the author/poet is able to establish meaning through the use of said symbol(s).

In this assignment, you will analyze specific things that characters think, feel, say, and experience to conclude larger, more general truths about the author’s presentation of or convictions about the world.

Example 1:

“The Very Old Man with Enormous Wings” has symbolic elements.

How does Marquez present the symbol(s)?

What is the role of the symbol(s) in the story and how do they affect the outcome?

Example 2:

“The Sick Rose” has many symbolic elements (the rose, the colour red, etc.).

How does Blake present the symbol(s)? What possible meanings could these elements have?

What is the role of the symbol(s) in the poem and how do they affect the outcome?

You can use your commonplace book entries as a starting point and the questions listed in that assignment can also help you get started (see pages 16-19 and 1165-1171 for more questions):

● Expectations

Does the title suggest anything?

● Characterization 

Firstly, who are the characters?

Secondly, What are they like?

Also, Is there a protagonist, an antagonist, or other types?

Lastly, Are the characters’ names significant?

● Plot

what happens?

Are there scene changes? How is exposition handled?

Firstly, What events mark the rising action?

Secondly, What is the climax?

Thirdly, What is the resolution?

Fourthly, What kind of a play or plot is it?

● Setting

Firstly, When does the action occur?

Secondly, Where does the action occur?

Also, What is the atmosphere?

Lastly, Are there scene changes?

● Style, Tone, Imagery

What is the style of the dialogue?

How do nonverbal gestures and actions convey meaning?

Do any of the props seem to have symbolic meaning?

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