The roles of a Mental Health Nurse in a regional and urban setting

This is a paper that is focusing on the roles of a Mental Health Nurse in a regional and urban setting. The paper also provides requirements to use in writing the assignment paper.

The roles of a Mental Health Nurse in a regional and urban setting

Weighting:         60%
Length:                 3000 words (+/- 10%).
The word count is considered from the first word of the Introduction to the last word of the Conclusion. It excludes the cover page, contents page (optional) and also reference list. It includes in-text citations and direct quotations.
This assessment item relates to unit learning outcomes: 3, 4, 5, & 6.

(3) Design research questions using the qualitative or qualitative research approaches.
(4) Explain the research processes.
(5) Apply and also interpret simple data analysis processes to qualitative and/or qualitative data.
(6) Evaluate the rigour of qualitative and/or qualitative studies.

QUALITATIVE STREAM: of this unit. It involves developing a research plan/proposal for a hypothetical research topic (see Topic below).
Examine the roles of a Mental Health Nurse in a regional and also urban setting

Step 1:
Firstly, construct a research question based on the topic that can be answered by the following qualitative research design/methods (E.g. grounded theory, ethnography, phenomenology, narrative research or case study).
Step 2:
Secondly, choose a qualitative design/methodology that would help you to answer your research question.
Additionally, evaluate the design you are using against other qualitative designs/methods and justify the approach you are using (i.e. why is this approach the best fit for the research topic/question undertaken?)
Who are your participants? How will they be recruited? What is the inclusion/exclusion criteria?
Also, describe the method/s you would use to collect data to answer the research question. Provide a rationale to justify these method/methods.

Step 3:
Thirdly, describe how the data will be analysed and how this type of analysis is the ‘best fit’ for the methodology/methods selected above.
Step 4:
Fourthly, evaluate how this research process will ensure research rigour (trustworthiness, validity and reliability).

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