The hospital where you work is at maximum capacity-every bed is 

The hospital where you work is at maximum capacity. Every bed is occupied on every unit. The emergency department (ED) is full, and patients awaiting admission are being held in the hallways.

The hospital where you work is at maximum capacity-every bed is

Firstly, the hospital where you work is at maximum capacity; every bed is occupied on every unit.

Secondly, the emergency department (ED) is full, and patients awaiting admission are being held in the hallways.

Thirdly, you have just left a Director’s meeting where everyone has been informed that the ED is not able to go on diversion. Therefore, patients awaiting admission from the ED will be sent to the nursing units within the next three hours.

Further, you have been ask ed to admit patients to your unit and place them in the alcoves at the end of each hallway. Also, Rental beds and privacy screens will be deliver ed within the hour.

Lastly, you are the nurse manager of a progressive care unit where all patients are monitor ed for their cardiac rhythms.

More details;

When admitting a patient what are the basic procedures?
  • In Preparation. Prior to the day of your hospital procedure or admission, there are several processes that must be completed, including: …
  • Registration. …
  • Patient Advocate Consultation. …
  • Pre-Admission Testing. …
  • Anesthesia Evaluation/Questionnaire. …
  • The Day of Arrival. …
  • Billing and Payment. …
  • Phone Numbers.
What is the most common reason for hospital admission?
Highlights. Circulatory disorders (diseases of the heart and blood vessels) were the most frequent reason for admission to the hospital through the ED, accounting for 26.3 percent of all such admissions; injuries accounted for 11.4 percent.
Can you make a hospital admit you?
Decision to Admit to the Hospital. Generally, it is in your best interest to ask the emergency department doctor to contact your primary care physician, even if he or she does not admit patients to the hospital where were taken. … This “on call” physician can admit you to the hospital.

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