Effect of a series of electro-acupuncture treatment
Effect of a series of electro-acupuncture treatment
This is an assignment that focuses on the effect of a series of electro-acupuncture treatment. The paper main focus is the Yeung Analysis worksheet.
The effect of a series of electro-acupuncture treatment
Yeung Analysis Worksheet
Yeung Analysis Worksheet Yeung, C., Leung, M., & Chow, D. H. K. (2003). Additionally, the Use of Electro-Acupuncture in Conjunction with Exercise for the Treatment of Chronic Low-Back Pain. Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine
Firstly, determine the effect of a series of electro-acupuncture (EA) treatment in conjunction with exercise on the pain, disability, and functional improvement scores of patients with chronic low-back pain (LBP).
Design: A blinded prospective randomized controlled study. Subjects and Interventions: A total of 52 patients were randomly allocate to an exercise group (n = 26) or an exercise plus EA group (n = 26) and treat for 12 sessions. Outcome
Measures: Secondly, look at numerical Rating Scale (NRS), Aberdeen LBP scale, lumbar spinal active range of movement (AROM), and the isokinetic strength were assess by a blinded observer. Repeated measures analysis of variance (R-ANOVA) with factors of group and time was to compare the outcomes between the two groups at baseline (before treatment), immediately after treatment, 1-month follow-up, and 3-month follow-up.
Results: Thirdly, significantly better scores in the NRS and Aberdeen LBP scale were found in the exercise plus EA group immediately after treatment and at 1-month follow-up. No significant differences were observe in spinal AROM and isokinetic trunk concentric strength between the two groups at any stage of follow-up.
Fourthly, this study provides additional data on the potential role of EA in the treatment of LBP, and indicates that the combination of EA and back exercise might be an effective option in the treatment of pain and disability associated with chronic LBP. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/14499023 Also, what was the research question? What were the independent variables? Then, what was the dependent variable? Lastly, what was the sample size and how was it chosen? What was the experimental design and use of control group?
Lastly, were the instruments of measurement shown to be reliable and valid? What data types were to include? Lastly, describe the statistics usage, what they were for, and the results. What were the researchers’ conclusions? How did they answer the research question(s)? How was error control? Did you see any concerns with the research study?
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