Developing a professional practice portfolio for registered nurses RN BSN FNP DNP

Developing a professional practice portfolio for registered nurses RN BSN FNP DNP

This is an assignment that discusses the developing a professional practice portfolio for registered nurses. The paper also discusses the standards for practice for application.

The developing a professional practice portfolio for registered nurses

Written Assignment (Individual): Developing a Professional Practice Portfolio 1,500 words Weighting 50%
AIM: According to the Registered Nurses Standards for Practice (2016), to provide safe, effective nursing care, nurses must maintain capability for practice through lifelong learning and professional development.1 In this assessment task, you will develop the skills required to create a Professional Practice Portfolio (PPP) in which you can document the evidence of capability for practice as a Registered Nurse in the future and also how the Standards for Practice are applied. This assessment item will address course learning outcomes 1 and 3.


This assessment task has two components. 1. Professional practice portfolio use • Firstly, describe a PPP and discuss the recommended components (approx. 100 words); • Present an argument that supports the use of a PPP to demonstrate professional nursing practice. Your argument should demonstrate critical thinking and analysis of why PPPs should be and the benefits and challenges of using a PPP to demonstrate capability for professional nursing practice (approx. 350 words); • Also, discuss and differentiate between ‘management’ and ‘leadership’ concepts, and describe how development of leadership and management skills could be evidenced in a professional practice portfolio (approx. 400 words). • Support your argument with at least seven scholarly sources from 2015 onwards.

1. Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia. (2016). Registered Nurses Standards for Practice.

2. Application of Professional Standards
Standard 3 “Maintains the capability for practice” (NMBA, 2016) includes seven points about how the Registered Nurse maintains the capability for practice. The fourth point states the Registered Nurse (RN) “accepts accountability for decisions, actions, behaviours and responsibilities inherent in their role” (NMBA, 2016).

The developing a professional practice portfolio for registered nurses

• Secondly, choose an example from a previous or current clinical placement where you were delegated an action/responsibility by an RN/Clinical Facilitator and describe this example2. Your description should include: The context of nursing practice and health care delivery (i.e. where this occurred); who was involved; what you were delegated to do; how you enacted the delegated action/responsibility, and; the outcome of the delegated action/responsibility (approx. 200 words); • Thirdly, critically discuss how you demonstrated the application of a professional standard (within your student nurse scope of practice) and reflect upon the accountability for your decisions, actions, behaviours and responsibilities (approx. 450 words); • Support your discussion with at least three scholarly sources from 2015 onwards.

OTHER ELEMENTS: • You do not need to include an introduction or conclusion to this written assessment. • Use a heading for each of the two components of the written assessment. • Do not exceed the word limit – the word limit does not include the reference list BUT does include in-text references and quotations;

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