The counselling on schools after school shooting research

This is a paper that is focusing on the counselling on schools after school shooting research. The paper also provides additional information for the assignment. The information is useful in writing the assignment paper in detail.

The counselling on schools after school shooting research

RESEARCH BIBLIOGRAPHY & HANDOUT:. Counseling in schools after a school shooting. References should include primary sources, research literature, and web sites from organizations such as APA and ACA, but not NGO’s, etc. Create an annotated bibliography that will be a reference for you and classmates in the future. This would mean reviewing 8 articles and preparing a one-page handout for your peers to keep. Additionally a paper that reviews the 8 articles and then has a summary integrating all of the articles. The paper could be about 6 pages long but you may take up to 10 pages.

You need to summarize 8 articles The summaries were real and not reworkings of the abstract; they pulled out gems in the research; they were brief (1 paragraph/half a page) 8 Articles appropriate to topic These came from clinical counseling, psychology, mental health, or social work journals and not psychiatry or nursing; it did not focus on diagnostic issues.

The counselling on schools after school shooting research

Also, they weren’t taking a medicalized view The articles were varied At least 3 were on treatment; they weren’t repetitive; some were research articles presenting evidence; some were case examples; Also, some were treatment focused; taken together they’re a nice little comprehensive bunch on the topic Your summaries were well written, using APA style when appropriate, and free of typos and grammatical errors Your summary focuses on treatment and integrates the 8 articles. It reads as a reminder of what you might want to consider or try if you were to have a child with this problem in your office.

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