The Co-Metamorphoses of Maggots and a wound
The Co-Metamorphoses of Maggots and a wound: A debridement Alternative. The article I read for this assignment really stood out to me and peaked my interest in wound care.
The Co-Metamorphoses of Maggots and a wound
The article I read for this assignment really stood out to me and peaked my interest in wound care. I have always known wound care is an important part of nursing and there are even Wound Care nurses that dedicate their entire careers caring for patients who have different wounds. Throughout our time here at ResU, we have learned about the basics of wound care. We have been to clinical and cared for patients with wounds. And have had instructors tell us about maggots being used for wound debridement, as well as maggots unintentionally being in wounds that were not cared for properly.
The Co-Metamorphoses of Maggots and a Wound: A Debridement Alternative explains the benefits of using a specific species of flies to facilitate healing wounds in a medical setting.
The method, Maggot Debridement Therapy (MDT) uses flies in
the larvae stage or the “maggots” of this species, the green bottle
fly, due to its specific breakdown of necrotic tissue. Other species
of flies that may infect wounds can breakdown healthy tissue and
further complicate wound healing as well as create an unsterile
According to the research in this article, using the larvae in a
controlled environment has improved pressure wounds, venous
stasis ulcers, neuropathic foot ulcers, and non-healing traumatic
or post surgical wounds.
However, contraindications include
untreated deep infected wounds affecting surrounding tissues,
closed wounds with no openings, and wounds with large exposed
blood vessels.
The most interesting thing I took from this article is that it is more
expensive to perform wound debridement with maggots in the
United States versus Europe, although the success rate has been
documented and researched, insurance does not reimburse
hospitals the way they would if traditional debridement
techniques like surgery and mechanical removal was used.
Although more research needs to be conducted on the
reimbursement methods, billing, coding, and protocols used for
different hospitals and each individuals insurance policy is
It would benefit the wound care nurse to have this as an
option for patients who may benefit from a less traumatic wound
debridement process. It is also an option for patients who may not
be candidates to go under anesthesia for surgical removal of
eschar tissue. Using this method would also save valuable
resources, in the long run, may reduce costs for wound care using
the symbiotic relationship between wounds and green bottle flies.
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