The association between deaths and gender relating to COVID-19
This is a paper that focuses on the association between deaths and gender relating to COVID-19 outbreak. The paper also provides further questions to use in answering the case study below.
The association between deaths and gender relating to COVID-19
The outbreak of COVID-19 is now widespread across the world. It is resulting in a large number of infections and serious health outcomes. The outbreak has infected more than 9,000 people in South Korea to date. Their public health response has been praise for quickly reducing the number of infections and casualties. Your task is to answer a set of research questions using current data from the Korean Center for Disease Control & Prevention (sent by e-mail). This data was obtained at a particular point in time (cross-sectional) from cases reported and contains a variety of clinical and epidemiological data. Details of the data set and the variables are provided below. TABLE IN THE ATTACHMENT
Answer all of the questions (Q1, 2, 3 & 4):
Q1: Firstly, is there an association between deaths and gender?
Q2: Secondly, is there a difference in age between males and females for those patients deceased? At the end of your summary, critically reflect on how these results provide important information to answer Question 1. (Note: you will need to create a new variable for age which is the difference between the year 2020 and the patients birth year. As the sample size for this analysis is small you can use a threshold of 20% to assess normality. You can also use a significance level of 0.10 and 90% confidence level for the statistical results).
Q3: Thirdly, are there differences in the number of days from confirmed test to release for the provinces in your data?
Q4: Fourthly, are age and global number significant predictors of the number of days from confirmed test to release? Firstly describe the relationships between each of the independent and dependent variables. Then, identify which of the variables explain the largest amount of variation in number of days from confirmed test to release. If researchers are mostly an interest in the association between global number and number of days from confirmed test to release. (Note: use the new variable age you created for Question 2)
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