Analysis of Times Magazines 100 Photography
Analysis of Times Magazines 100 Photography
This is an assignment that focuses on the analysis of Times magazines 100 photography. The paper also focuses mainly on the photos and the photographers.
The analysis of Times magazines 100 photography
Project Objectives
To build more research skills, in particular the ability to find a primary source (including, in this case, a photograph). Apply what was learned from the microstory project, vis-à-vis concision and the use of literary devices. To consider stylistic considerations when incorporating material written by others. To continue to work with purpose and point in writing. Project Description Rather than just focus on taking a well-composed shot, I’d like us to ponder the fact that we do compose a shot.
So when it comes to photographs we consume, especially images that become important or “iconic” in the culture, we can ask some key questions about the nature of images and what they “mean.” If images are composed, are they presenting some kind of truth, or are they staged? Does the distinction matter? It might. As we’ll see, photos have the power to both shape how we think and change how we live. To explore this, we’ll examine Time magazine’s 100 Photographs: The Most Influential Images of All Time (Links to an external site.). The online exhibit features photos and the stories behind them (including details about the photographers who captured the shots). For the project this time you’ll choose a more recent image (from 2016 and after) that you feel should be part of 100 Photographs.
Your task will be to make a strong case for that photo’s inclusion in the project. To do that, you’ll need to know how Time chose its photos, (Links to an external site.)and you’ll have to consider key moments (and images) of more recent times. Once you choose an image, you’ll have to ponder or find out: What the story behind the photo is. Was something going on in the photo, or in the world, that led to the image becoming so famous? Is the way people responded to it a part of that story? Additionally, what role did the photographer play? What about the way it’s composed—or its subject matter—helps make it iconic. Whether it was the first of its kind, as some of the Time images are. Then, explain how it helped shape how we think, or changed how we lived.
Project Requirements The essay will again be in the 3-page range, with 1,000-1,200 words. The essay should have a clear purpose and context for readers beyond merely reporting the story behind the photograph. This is ultimately an argument (like a nomination). Consider Time’s criteria; use them to craft your reasoning. The essay should utilize at least three other sources, which need to documented accurately according to current MLA standards—both in-text as well as through a Works Cited. Those sources should be high-quality ones, given the nature of the project. We want original sources versus secondhand ones where possible—and credible authors. Time looked to experts in history and photography. We shouldn’t rely on casual bloggers, right?
The essay should feature stylistic touches as worked on in class: this time, that’s concision and the use of literary devices (at least somewhere). Project Deadlines I will ask you to share a full draft (by submitting to this assignment) by 3/16, 9:00 pm. Rubric
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