Technological Application in the Evaluation of Dynamics and Age Determination in Bloodstain Pattern Interpretation

Technological Application in the Evaluation of Dynamics and Age Determination in Bloodstain Pattern Interpretation


Paper details:

Client: here are the instructions: ** Note: Strictly Top writer with rating of 5/5 who is specialise in this topic to handle this paper. **Instructions: Dear Writer, strictly REFER to the given thesis proposal and progressive report before writing the chapter, as they are linked to each other. Content and Figures indicated in the thesis proposal and progressive report should be included in Chapter 1 without having to rephase any of the sentences. Chapter 1 Introduction 1.1. Research Background 1.2. Research Relevance 1.3. Objectives of the Study 1.4. Study Questions 1.5. Study Relevance 1.6. Key Terms Definition 1.7. Summary **Instructions: The above-mentioned sections are about the areas to be covered. Please do not use the above-mentioned wordings as headings. Appreciate if writer can come out with feasible individual headings after strictly read the 45 journals given & number each section accordingly as follows: 1.1. 1.2. 1.2.1 1.2.2 etc……… ** Instructions: Please use relevant figures and tables obtained from the above-mentioned journals and cite them as follows: Figure 1. Xxxxxxxxxx (Author, year of publication). Note: Age determination of bloodstain is NOT meant to determine the age of the suspect. Client: previously, there are 47 journals uploaded in this order, but writer use only 45 of them. these 2 journals to be removed Dear writer, kindly note that you do not have use these two journals, as it is irrelevant. 1) Dror, I. and Rosenthal, R. (2008) ‘Meta-analytically quantifying the reliability and bias ability of forensic experts’, Journal of Forensic Sciences, 53(4), pp. 900-903. 2) Dror, I.E., Wertheim, K., Fraser Mackenzie, P. and Walajtys, J. (2012) ‘The impact of human-technology cooperation and distributed cognition in forensic science: Biasing effects of AFIS contextual information on human experts’, Journal of Forensic Sciences, 57(2), pp. 343-352 Client: please ask writer to read strictly REFER to the given thesis proposal and progressive report before writing the chapter, as they are linked to each other. Thesis20Progressive20Report2012020Proposal20revised.docx [MATERIAL] Client: can you post all my new instructions and uploaded progressive report and proposal in the dashboard. + remove the two journals from that i uploaded in the order previously Client: Dear writer, kindly note that you do not have use these two journals, as it is irrelevant. 1) Dror, I. and Rosenthal, R. (2008) ‘Meta-analytically quantifying the reliability and bias ability of forensic experts’, Journal of Forensic Sciences, 53(4), pp. 900-903. 2) Dror, I.E., Wertheim, K., Fraser Mackenzie, P. and Walajtys, J. (2012) ‘The impact of human-technology cooperation and distributed cognition in forensic science: Biasing effects of AFIS contextual information on human experts’, Journal of Forensic Sciences, 57(2), pp. 343-352 Client: type of paper of this order is: Dissertation chapter – Introduction. Please follow the given layout in my instruction


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