Solar System Online Simulation-understanding of the motions of bodies

Solar System Online Simulation-understanding of the motions of bodies

Experiment with the My Solar System Online Simulation to gain an understanding of the motions of bodies in the solar system. In approximately 250 words, answer the questions below and describe your findings of celestial motion.

Solar System Online Simulation-understanding of the motions of bodies

Assignment 1.1

Firstly, Experiment with the My Solar System Online Simulation to gain an understanding of the motions of bodies in the solar system.


Secondly, In approximately 250 words, answer the questions below and describe your findings of celestial motion.

Activity Details Perform the following steps:

Step 1:

Open the PhET web site Go to My Solar System Online Simulation

;which was developed by and provided courtesy of The University of Colorado at Boulder’s PhET Project.

Step 2:

Choose different presets  Try out different presets, especially “Sun, planet, moon.”

Why does the moon display such a strange orbit?

Step 3:

Use different planetary bodies in the system Try placing other bodies in the system, and determine what happens.

Can you make bodies crash into the sun, or only orbit once and then fly into space?

Step 4:

Monitor the speeds of the planetary bodies in relation to their distance to the sun.

What do you notice about the speeds of bodies as they get closer to or farther from the sun?


More details:

What is the motion of the solar system?
The planets orbit the Sun, roughly in the same plane. The Solar System moves through the galaxy with about a 60° angle between the galactic plane and the planetary orbital plane. The Sun appears to move up-and-down and in-and-out with respect to the rest of the galaxy as it revolves around the Milky Way.
How do you make a solar system for a school project?
Solar System Model
Firstly, Paint the display. Lay a cardboard box in a way that the opening top side faces you.

Secondly, Sort the foam balls. Sort the foam balls in four different sizes.

Thirdly, Paint the planets.

Fourthly, Cut the Asteroid belt and planetary rings.

Furthermore, Glue up everything.

Also, Cut strong thread and set it.

Lastly, Put it all together.


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