Slavery and Economy

Objectives Describe the role that slavery played in the antebellum Southern economy and the national economy Examine the “profitability” issue from 1793 – 1860 Assignment Overview In this writing assignment, you examine the impact slavery had on the economy of early America. Deliverables A one-page (250-word) paper Step 1 Research the antebellum economy. Using course materials and the Internet, research the role of slavery in the antebellum economy. Step 2 Write a paper. In a one-page (250-word) paper, address the following based on your research findings: Discuss how the slave trade throughout the South affected the production of various crops. How did slavery affect both the Southern economy and the national economy? What can be defined as the “profitability” issue during the antebellum period? Make sure to properly cite any research used.

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