Scrapie disease genetics report using DNA extraction

Scrapie disease genetics report using DNA extraction

This is a report that discusses on the Scrapie disease genetics report using DNA extraction. Additionally, it discusses the relationship of the disease to sheep.

Scrapie disease genetics report using DNA extraction.

Firstly, provide an abstract for the report.

1.     Abstract – 5 marks
Secondly,the report will have an introduction

Introduction: Details on Scrapie disease, how testing blood DNA helps to identify susceptibility to Scrapie disease, Discuss genome size of sheep. However, all these information should be supported by peer reviewed journals and books. State aim of the study. 20 marks
1.     Brief summary of methods (in text not bullet points) 5 marks

Thirdly, describe your gel photograph data from DNA extraction, PCR, and enzyme digestion. Provide interpretation of results. Label your gel to identify your results. 35 marks
This practical is based on the following study: Garcia-Crespo et al. (2004) PrP polymorphisms in Basque sheep breeds determined by PCR-restriction fragment length polymorphism and real-time PCR. The Veterinary Record, 154 pp.: 717-722

Table 1:

Indication of Scrapie resistance due to genotype


Highly resistant






Highly susceptible

1.     Discussion:

Fourthly, discuss your results and correlates with your answers provided in the result section. If you did not obtain a band then explain the failure with supporting references. In this experiment you used approximately 1 million blood cells but why do you only see a very faint band in the gel i.e. low quantity DNA? Why did you use lambda DNA as marker in your experiment? Also, why do you see similar size DNA band for sheep blood as Lambda DNA which is a bacteriophage? What is the size of the PCR product? Then, what do you observe after the digestion?

Lastly, discuss if this sheep would be susceptible to Scrapie. Your explanations should be supported by peer reviewed journal articles and books. Future work 25 marks

Subsequently, do not forget to list your references and also to citation. However, ensure your word count is as provided.

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