Response paper on Street Car Named Desire

Answer the following question. A quote from the works  is necessary to prove your point, and there should be at least one per body paragraph (at the very minimum). The paper should have a clearly defined introduction and conclusion paragraph. A Streetcar Named Desire deals with dysfunctional relationships that are doomed to fail. Explain how this idea is central to understanding the play. Format: Use MLA format: double spaced with the proper heading in the top left corner of the first page (see below) and 12-point font (Times New Roman or Calibri). Type your last name and the page number in the top right corner of every page. At the end of your paper, include a works cited entry. Save your paper as a DOC, DOCX, RTF, or PDF. Requirements regarding content and structure of your essay: No matter which topic you choose, you need to come up with a thesis statement and back up your argument with specific observations about the story This means you should use short, relevant quotes from the story to back up your points. Your essay should begin with an introductory paragraph that ends with your thesis statement. Follow your introductory paragraph with several supporting paragraphs. In each supporting paragraph, incorporate at least one direct quotation from the story. Be sure to cite your quotations correctly End your essay with a concluding paragraph that brings closure to your essay. Avoid using the pronoun I or you in any form (unless it is part of a direct quote). Here is an outline of the basic structure of an analysis essay like this one: Begin with an introductory paragraph (4-5 sentences). In your first sentence, identify the author (use first and last name) and title of the story you are writing about (use quotation marks around the title of the story). Provide two or three sentences that lead into your thesis statement. End this paragraph with your thesis statement. (Note: Refer to the author by first and last name only once; in subsequent references, use ONLY the author’s last name). First supporting paragraph (The length depends on the point you are making, but each of your supporting paragraphs should be longer than either your introductory paragraph or concluding paragraph. However, each supporting paragraph should be approximately the same length. In other words, you do not want to have a lengthy first supporting paragraph followed by two short ones, for example.): Begin with a topic sentence that signals to your reader what point you will make in this paragraph. The point should expand upon or develop your thesis statement. Use a transition to signal to your reader that this is your first point. You should have at least two examples from the story that develop your point; each example should be followed by a direct quotation from the story that explains or supports what you are saying. Second supporting paragraph: Begin with a topic sentence that signals to your reader what point you will make in this paragraph. The point should expand upon or develop your thesis statement; it should also be different from the point you made in the previous paragraph. Use a transition to signal to your reader that you are moving on to a new point. You should have at least two examples from the story that develop your point; each example should be followed by a direct quotation from the story that explains or supports what you are saying. Third supporting paragraph: Begin with a topic sentence that signals to your reader what point you will make in this paragraph. The point should expand upon or develop your thesis statement; it also should be different from the points you made in the two previous paragraphs. Use a transition to signal to your reader that you are moving on to a new point. You should have at least two examples from the story that develop your point; each example should be followed by a direct quotation from the story that explains or supports what you are saying. End with a concluding paragraph (4- 5 sentences): Begin with a reference to your thesis statement. Sum up the points you have made in your essay. Bring closure to your paper.

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