Problems between the US Government and the scientific community

Problems between the US Government and the scientific community

This paper assignment involves problems between the U.S. Government and the scientific community. Please choose any example in the news from the past couple months that demonstrates some sort of rift.

problems between the U.S. Government and the scientific community

Firstly, This paper assignment involves problems between the U.S. Government and the scientific community.

Secondly, Please choose any example in the news from the past couple months that demonstrates some sort of rift.

Thirdly, Discuss this news, in the context of the sometimes contentious relationship between scientists and government officials.

What is government science?
A government scientist is a scientist employ ed by a country’s government, either in a research-driven job (for example J. Robert Oppenheimer on the Manhattan Project), or for another role that requires scientific training and methods. In some countries other terms such Technical officers is also used for scientists.
How do politicians use science?
The politicization of science is the manipulation of science for political gain. It occurs when government, business, or advocacy groups use legal or economic pressure to influence the findings of scientific research or the way it is disseminated, reported or interpreted.
The U.S. government-science relationship, which help ed win World War II, put a man on the moon, unravel the human genome, and nurture economic growth, is trouble d. Money is one reason. However, far more than funding, the tensions between government and science are about politics and policy management.

Many scientists and their allies argue that the Bush administration has crossed the line separating appropriate control of information from political interference. That is, there has been a “politicization of science.” This essay examines the current debate about politicization in historical context; discusses the tensions among scientists, politicians, and administrators; and suggests possible ways to strengthen the government-science partnership in the future.


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