Policy Analysis in Corrections

You will write a 12–page research-oriented paper. The paper must focus on Policy Analysis in Corrections. The paper must also be in current APA format. The APA headers, as a minimum, must be APA Level 1 headings for Problem, Significance, and Solution. The subthemes of the solution section must contain APA Level 2 headings or beyond. The paper must include a minimum of 12 references in addition to the Bible. All references must be academic/peer-reviewed sources. A minimum of 8 references must be recent peer-reviewed sources published within the last five years. You must choose a major criminal justice policy issue (excluding death penalty, legalization of marijuana, gun control, and any other topic deemed not acceptable by your instructor). The approach outlined below can be used for minor policy issues, major policy issues, minor budget issues, major budget issues, equipment implementation, and any issue dealing with a policy proposal. Identify an issue that needs to be addressed. Discuss the problem in a few brief paragraphs. Discuss the significance of the problem (the significance discussion must contain the majority of your references). The significance section of the paper must contain why the issue is significant, what is being done by other departments or agencies, what law is applicable, and any other issues that can be identified as significant. This significance section of the paper must be thorough and leave no additional questions. Propose a solution in the form of policy or guidance toward a policy. The solution must involve a minimum of 3 choices: do nothing, incremental approach, and full implementation. The solution section of the paper must have enough of an explanation of the solution so that an executive would be able to make an informed decision from your explanation. The solution must also have sub-themes. Some subthemes are: impact on the department, impact to external stakeholders, and impact on the budget. There may be other sub-themes in addition to or in replacement of those listed above. Must have a section relating how a Christian worldview (Bible verses) does or may change potential proposed solutions

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