Pick one Asian country in monsoon Asia that you consider being your favorite

01) Pick one Asian country in monsoon Asia that you consider being your favorite (including your own Asian fatherland/motherland).

Pick one Asian country in monsoon Asia that you consider being your favorite

01) Pick one Asian country in monsoon Asia that you consider being your favorite (including your own Asian fatherland/motherland).

02) List the five things of your favorite Asian country that you like the most and discuss the best one among them (what it is and the reasons for your choice).

Also, provide relevant pictures/artworks and relevant video/movie clips for their visual illustrations (15 points).

a.The five things can be the cultural practices (like martial arts) and ideas (philosophical/religious) of your favorite country.

03) List the five things of your favorite Asian country that you dislike the most and discuss the worst one among them (what it is and reasons for your disapproval). Also, provide relevant pictures/artworks and relevant video/movie clips for their visual illustrations (15 points).

04) Explain how you plan to apply the best thing you like the most for the existential purpose of making your life better and more successful like being free from your own emotions like anger against self and also the other (10 points).

05)Provide the links for all the cited pictures/artworks and video/movie clips.01)The text (written part) of your Project should be around 500 words (double spaced) and also the number of supporting and illustrating materials is up to you to decide (to be worth the 40 points if nothing else).Please provide the word count.

06) To make the grading process pleasant and speedy. Please organize your Report with the headlines as itemized above like the following:

The Favorite Asian Country, The List of Five Positive Things, The Best Thing of the Favorite Asian Country.

More details;

A brief history of the cultures of Asia

Historians divide history into large and small units in order to make characteristics and changes clear. It’s important to remember that any historical period is a construction and a simplification.

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