Patient Diagnosis ( lower abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting)


1. A 28-year-old woman complaining of lower abdominal pain, nausea & vomiting. She has
noticed increased white vaginal discharge for 4 days. She is febrile. On pelvic exam, you note
CMT (Cervical Motion Tenderness) and abdominal pain with palpation. Her diagnosis is pelvic
inflammatory disease.
a. What will you prescribe? She is allergic to penicillin. What would you prescribe if she was not
allergic to penicillin?
b. Discuss pathophysiology of the disease or physiology of the organism that the drug(s) are
c. Rationales for using the specific orders, emphasize the APRN role in the assessment,
diagnosis, and pharmacological interventions of clients.

d. Indications, contraindications of the drug(s)
e. List the prices of three drugs to treat the selected problem from two different pharmacies.
f. Describe in detail the instructions the patient should receive for the selected drug(s). Write this
at a fifth-grade level.
Instructions to the writer:
-Please don’t take this if its not your subject matter.
-Send me your choice of antibiotics for me to approval before you start writing the paper. Also
indicate what you will give for nausea and for fever.
– Mechanism Of Actions (MOA) on each medication is very important

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