P53 and cancer treatments

P53 and cancer treatments

Please edit my paper as following use simple language so my teacher and the students could understand it, add a good statistic in the introduction about the cancer and use a clear thesis. Research Writing 28 October 2019 P53 and future of cancer treatment The health impact of certain disorders alters the quality of life (QOL) of many individuals. Especially, cancer is a special kind of disorder that has a severe life-threatening impact on life. Cancer affects many body systems, organs, and tissues. Cancer starts in cells that serve as the body’s building blocks. In general, a body synthesizes novel cells based on the needs then substitutes old cells that later encounter death. When this natural process undergoes aberration, novel cell continues to grow regardless of any need and old cells fail to die or go off. The additional cells later turn into a tumor mass (Cancer). A tumor may be of benign otherwise malignant types. Benign tumors do not lead to cancer whereas malignant ones lead to cancer. Malignant tumor based cells can affect the tissues in the nearby region. Very often, these abnormal cells can also undergo breakage and spread to different body parts. Research initiatives have been instrumental in discovering a gene, P53 (Cancer). Briefly, the p53 gene is commonly termed as the tumor suppressor gene. The activity of this p53 gene ceases the tumor formation. If a person inherits only one functional copy of the p53 gene from their parents, they are predisposed to cancer and usually develop several independent tumors in a variety of tissues in early adulthood. This condition is rare and is known as Li-Fraumeni syndrome. However, mutations in p53 are found in most tumor types, and so contribute to the complex network of molecular events leading to tumor formation. Researchers mapped p53 gene to chromosome 17. In a given cell, protein p53 forms binding with DNA. This again activates a different gene to give rise to a p21protein that in turn forms a link with a cdk2 (cell division-stimulating protein). Whenever p21 forms a tight linkage with cdk2 and this restricts the cell passage to the subsequent cell division stage. A mutant form of p53 could not form any bondage with DNA in a reliable manner, and thus a p21 protein cannot be fully ready to function as the cell division. Thus cells undergo division in an uncontrolled manner and form tumors (Genes and Disease, 1998). Importance of p53 gene:

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