Management of Chronic Disease Colorectal Cancer


The subject is Colorectal Cancer. Part 2 Part 2 is a 3500 report and comprises 90% of your total mark. You are asked to choose one psychological or physical symptom that may affect a person with your chosen long term condition. You will compare your current practice, in supporting a person to manage the selected symptom, to evidence for best practice. You will make recommendations for future practice. You should use the following marking criteria to guide the structure of your report. Management of Chronic Disease Marking Criteria Report Word Count, Marking % Introduction Set the scene for the report by including a short description of the allocated chronic disease and briefly explaining its aetiology and epidemiology. A search strategy outlining key search terms and databases used, and the relevant results found should be included. Your search strategy can be presented in a table. Word Count = 500 approximately Marking = 10 % Section 1 – Overview An overview of the symptom you plan to explore. Explore how this could affect your patient. The symptom should be clearly identified and linked to your chosen condition. You should consider the impact of the symptom on day to day living. Word Count = 750 approximately Marking = 15% Section 2 – Evaluate 1 assessment tool Evaluate 1 assessment tool (consider advantages/ disadvantages). Tool should be linked to your chosen symptom and reference made to how used within your chosen condition. Word Count = 750 approximately Marking = 20% Section 3 Discussion of current practice Discussion of current nursing practice in supporting patients with the selected symptom, which will include comparison of your current practice to the evidence for best practice. You should discuss the nursing management required to enable the patient to maximise their health and well-being and self-manage their condition. This must demonstrate a holistic approach (physical, emotional, social and spiritual). You should include reference to the support of family/carers and the role of other members of the multidisciplinary team and the voluntary sector where relevant. Word Count = 1000 approximately Marking = 35% Conclusion A summary of key points raised in the report Word Count = 250 approximately Marking = 5% Recommendations (7%) Recommendations for future nursing practice (written in the 1st person). This should be linked to the selected condition or management of chronic diseases. This should be related to your own practice. Word count = 250 approximately Marking= 5% References (5%) In-text citations to support points made and a reference list should be provided in the portfolio, using APA 6th referencing style. Key guidelines to condition should be referenced. Evidence of relevant reading. Marking = 5% Presentation and literary style (5%) Presentation: word-processed; pages numbered; organised as per guidelines for academic work. Literary style: accurate spelling; grammatically correct; fluency. Marking 5% Total Word Count = 3,500 Marking = 100%

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