Literary Analysis Essay

Compare and contrast the representation of narrative elements within the images with those in the text. How do the images change or stay true to your interpretation of the story? The images are at: MLA Format Include textural evidence in body Paragraphs Tyler Spallina Mrs. Erikson English 12B Date that You Turn In the Paper Title Introduction. This should have three different parts. 1) A hook that will make your reader interested in your topic. Do not start this with “Do you know…” 2) Background information that gives your reader an idea about the topic without talking about what is in your body paragraphs. 3) Your thesis statement copy and pasted from your brainstorm. Body 1. This should be about your first literary element in your thesis statement. Explain how both of the stories show this literary element with a quote from each. This paragraph should be 6-8 + sentences long. Body 2. This should be about your second topic in your thesis statement. Explain how both of the stories show this literary element with a quote from each. This paragraph should be 6-8 + sentences long. Body 3. This should be about your third topic in your thesis statement. Explain how both of the stories show this literary element with a quote from each. This paragraph should be 6-8 + sentences long. Conclusion. Make sure that this restates your thesis and gives your reader something to think

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