Leadership Profile of Steve Jobs

Leadership Profile of Steve Jobs

Leadership Profile Paper Purpose/Goals: Demonstrate and apply knowledge of key course material Critique and evaluate the leadership style of a public figure Evaluate and reflect on your individual leadership style Synthesize research and theories of leadership What you will do: MUST USE 2 REFERENCES FROM THIS TEXTBOOK: Leadership: A communication perspective (7th edition) by Johnson and Hackman. This paper will be an in-depth evaluation of a public leader. Therefore, you are going to want to find information on a leader (you get to define that term in this case) by reading newspaper articles, websites, accounts of others, biographies, etc. In a 5 – 8 page paper (double-spaced, Times 12 point font, 1″ margins) develop a profile of that leader. In doing so, you will also connect course concepts and theories to your explanation and then connect those to your understanding of your own leadership style. You should cite the textbook and at least 2 other peer-reviewed scholarly research articles Instructions Start your paper with an introduction that describes your paper and previews the main sections of the paper. In the first 2 pages, provide background information on the leader you selected. Here are some things that you might want to include (this is not an exhaustive list, so if there is something else that you want to include, please do…you also do not need to include all of this: Background on early life – birthplace, birthdate, parents, childhood, etc (include any stories, if you have them) Growing up – what do you know about how this person grew up? Are there any anecdote that might give us insight into their development? Education – did they have any formal education? If so, what do you know about their formal education? Professional Experience – what was their career trajectory (or other professional experience).

If they are a political or religious figure, how did they become prominent? Quotes or memorable ideas and concepts form them. Notable leadership idea – what do you think the person’s legacy is? After you have given us a pretty clear biography of the person, I would like you to spend some time (a couple of pages) identifying key course ideas and concepts and connecting them to what you know about the person. Here are some larger ideas and concepts you may want to include (again, not an exhaustive list): Symbolic nature of leadership How communication functions with leadership Storytelling Styles of leadership Task and Interpersonal leadership Follower/Leader dynamics Trait, Situational, Functional, and Skills approaches Relational ledership Leader-Member Exchange Transformational and Charismatic Leadership Power Conflict and Negotiation Credibility and Compliance Gaining How this person leads groups, teams, or organizations Perspectives on Public Leadership How they approach diversity and ethics Servant Leadership How they have dealt with crises. Again, you can focus on any these concepts (or other) I would like you really paint a picture of what you think this person’s leadership profile looks like. Be descriptive and build an argument using the text and research articles that you have found on these topics (or others). In the next part of your paper (about 2 pages or so), I would like you to profile yourself. What type of leader are you? How does your leadership skill and ability connect to the profile that you just built for this public leader (compare and contrast yourself to them). Finally, I would like you to end with a conclusion (about 2 paragraphs or so). In the first part of the conclusion, I would like you to describe why you think leadership is important for groups, teams, organizations, and the public. The last paragraph should conclude your paper. 1. Include a cover page in APA format 2. Next, the body of your paper (minimum of 5 pages, maximum of 8 pages)

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