

Professional Paper details Please provide a response to these two postings: 1.While many traits are important for leadership, according to Northouse (2013), the major traits include intelligence, self-confidence, determination, integrity, and sociability. The Leadership Trait Questionnaire (LTQ) are used to identify a persons level of personal leadership qualities or characteristics. I completed the questionnaire and asked 3 others to complete it, which included my VP (leader), a manager, and one of the front line staff. It was interesting once I pulled them all together to see what differences were present. Although I feel (and know) that at times I lack confidence, my VP rated my level of confidence lower than I did, but the staff member rated me higher on it. The ones that everyone agreed upon included: articulate, determined, trustworthy, friendly, It is interesting to see how when we self-reflect, we see ourselves one way, yet others see us differently. The two most significant traits that surprised were conscientious and diligent. I felt that I was high on these traits, while the others all rated me much lower. This exercise was very interesting and I am still reflecting on it to determine what area’s I want to focus on more. I realize that not everyone will rate me the same, but now that I am aware of how others see me, I want to be able to identify when I am not showing those traits as much as I should during specific situations. 2. he Leadership Trait Questionnaire (LTQ) is concerned with what traits leaders demonstrate and who possesses them (Northouse, 2013). The most important characteristics of a leader include self- confidence, determination and sociability; and, leaders tend to be extroverted (Northouse , 2013). If I consider my own leadership characteristics, I would not consider myself as extroverted. My classification is introverted, and extroverted when necessary. Functioning in a leader role, extroversion is required. The leadership trait approach is useful in personal development and self-awareness because it allows analysis of strengths and weaknesses in an effort to understand how one can enhance their leadership (Northouse, 2013). Summarizing the results from two of my friends and my son was interesting. In my opinion, my son was not as critical or honest with the scores as I believe he could have been. For example, his score for sensitivity was a three, neutral. Even though I expressed to him to be honest so that I could improve myself, he was reluctant to answer truthfully. However, my friends scored a 4 agreeing with the statement that I show tolerance, tactful and sympathetic. It was a surprise with the low scores on outgoing, talks freely, and gets along well with others. This was an area that I felt I was effective in. It is an area to further explore why this impression is perceived.

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