
Please remove irrelevant information and add new information as per the corrections. Please add specific information needed on the following prompt. Please use proper citation with the correct format. Please make sure to answer each question! ALL STUDENTS PAPERS SUBMITTED WILL BE SCREENED FOR PLAGIARIZED SOURCES VIA “TURNITIN.” ABSOLUTELY NO PLAGIARISM IS ALLOWED. Please write in your own words. Please write a beautiful, perfect, interesting, strong, powerful, detailed, clear, and critical essay! Show me a tentative argument with good faith efforts. Please refer to and use all the files that I have uploaded. I am repeating myself here again, you must use all the sources that I have provided in order to complete the paper for my satisfaction. Please add some details and make it more aligned to the question. Please be good at putting these concepts into your own words. The assignments prompts will translate directly to the assignment grading rubrics, so as long as you are addressing everything in the prompt and assignment instructions you will also be completing everything outlined in the rubric. Please use single-spaced. Please answer all the questions correctly. The theoretical frameworks should be from a Sigmund Freud’s Psychosexual Developmental Stages theory b Carol Franz & Kathleen White’s Attachment Pathway Extension of Erikson’s Psychosocial Stages c Jean Piaget’s Cognitive Development Stages d Erik Erikson’s Psychosocial Stages e The Contextualized Sexuality Model Your references must only come from the course reading list (Course_Reading_list.zip)

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