Is boarding at college associated with depression among low-income first-year college students
Research Paper – 30% of the grade. A final research paper (maximum of 5 double-spaced pages, not including the reference page) is required of each student. The research paper follows the format of a literature review. Do not waste space on a cover page or the first quarter of a page on your details. Double tap on the header at the very top of the page in Microsoft and plug in your name and the course number. Also, number your pages. Do not exceed the page limit. All references must be in APA style. The following are guidelines. Do not copy any of the language verbatim. Final Paper Guidelines (this will be utilized as a rubric for grading): Introduction: Start with the health problem. Include morbidity/mortality data. Illustrate why this health problem merits our attention. Then, state your research question and hypothesis as part of the narrative (not bullet points—make sure you transition smoothly to your RQ and hypothesis—review examples in the literature on how to do this well). “Is boarding at college associated with depression among low-income first-year college students? ” Research question example: Are Latinos at increased risk of cardiovascular disease and does this risk vary by acculturation status? Hypotheses examples: Latinos who speak mostly Spanish at home are at increased risk of cardiovascular disease compared to Latinos who speak mostly English. Latinos, overall, are overburdened with CVD risk, compared to non-Latino Whites. What would I have to write about in my introduction that would lead the reader to understand how I landed upon my RQ and hypothesis? I would look for data on CVD mortality rates and highlight disparities associated with ethnicity. I would show very clearly that heart health is a huge concern (the house is on fire) that requires immediate attention. And, this disparity in CVD risk may be explained by acculturation. Be very specific about how you operationalize your variables: here, the social determinant is acculturation. The health outcome is CVD. The population of interest is all Latinos as an ethnic group. Latino is not a racial category, so I will be clear about that language in my writing. I may address other confounders that impact this relationship, like education, marital status, and health insurance. Methods: How will I go about searching for articles related to my research question and hypothesis? Refer to the sample articles for how to word this section. Simplified example: The search will be conducted utilizing Pubmed, Embase, and Scopus. The search terms are: Latino, cardiovascular, and acculturation. The search will be limited to articles in peer reviewed journals published between 2009 and 2019. The inclusion criterium is all studies that measure acculturation utilizing language spoken at home. Results: Literally, report the results of your search. Simplified example: Based on the search terms, Pubmed returned 48 articles, Embase 223, and Scopus 3. Utilizing the inclusion criteria, the final list of articles was reduced to 5. Some people love to include a flow chart here. If you do it well, it’s a nice addition to a systematic review. Discussion: This is where you write your narrative—weave the findings from the authors’ studies into your own authentic scientific health research with the goal of answering your research question. Spare the details on the methods the authors utilized, unless you are focusing on interventions aimed at eliminating a health disparity. I believe only one person is going in this direction. Then, you will include information on sampling because you have to talk about transportability. Is the study’s findings externally valid—can it be transposed to the community you want to work with? You will know if you are focusing on interventions because you received commentary to that effect from me. Otherwise, steer clear of spending large amounts of space writing about the sampling, data collection, locations, survey types, etc. Read your articles thoroughly and practice interpreting the findings. Then, weave the interpretations (with citations) into how you plan to answer your research question and support or refute your hypothesis. For many of you, I’ve written examples in the critique you received on the midterm. If you get stuck, turn to the literature. You have at your disposal countless free examples of how to do this by industry experts. In this space, you can also plug in charts and graphs that are reported in the literature that may support your RQ/hypothesis. You have to cite every iota of data that you pull from a source. Conclusion: Restate your research question and tell me where you landed after conducting the search. Were you able to successfully answer the question? Make sure the articles you find after eliminating everything that doesn’t fit are ideal in terms of providing evidence that you need to answer your RQ. Do they actually report data and facts? If you mostly find qualitative data, you have to synthesize the themes that the authors report and you should then tweak your search terms to include statistical analysis of associations (correlations, risk ratios, odds ratios, etc), so that you have a good combination of evidence. For this assignment, it will not be sufficient to state, “there is not enough written on the topic”. You will have to pick a different topic in that case. Here, you are also going to discuss limitations. What did an author miss in his/her/their reporting? What did they do wrong that might have impacted their results? For those of you thinking of moving on to Masters programs, this is the crux of what you will be asked to do when looking at other authors’ investigations. Finally, conclude with directions for further research. What are the gaps that your literature review highlighted? Where do we need to focus our efforts? What was missing? Additional guidelines: Make sure your reference page is in APA format. Do not write long quotes from the articles. Every sentence should be in your own words, but include data or findings from the articles (where applicable) and cite the appropriate reference. Do not cite a reference by putting a website in parenthesis. For the purpose of this paper, only peer reviewed journal articles should be referenced. That is what you are setting out to do when you access these databases. Make sure you click on peer reviewed journal articles, when given that option. You will be penalized for circular sentences, awkward sentence structure, run-on sentences, and other grammar and punctuation errors.
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