Investigate principles of quality improvement and healthcare policy

NU420M4-4: Investigate principles of quality improvement and healthcare policy to improve healthcare in diverse and global populations.

Investigate principles of quality improvement and healthcare policy

This Competency Assessment assesses the following outcome(s):
NU420M4-4: Investigate principles of quality improvement and healthcare policy to improve healthcare in diverse and global populations.

Assessment Background
You are a registered nurse (RN) in the intensive care unit (ICU) at your facility. The ICU has 24 beds, 1 nurse manager, 4 clinical nurse specialists (on a rotating schedule), and 6 charge nurses (on a rotating schedule). Typically, your unit has anywhere from 18-24 patients per shift. In order to climb the clinical ladder, you have been asked to create a new policy for your unit that will improve patient outcomes related to one of the following topics:
Firstly, Mortality

Secondly, safety of care

Thirdly, readmissions

Fourthly, patient experience

Further, effectiveness of care

Additionally, timeliness of care

Finally, efficient use of medical imaging

Assessment Instructions:
1.  Choose one healthcare outcome.
2.  Research best practices for improving the healthcare outcome.
3.  Identify the best methods for implementing the best practices for your healthcare outcome of choice.
4.  Create your policy using the provided template.
More details;

What are quality improvement initiatives in healthcare?
A QI program involves systematic activities that are organized and implemented by an organization to monitor, assess, and improve its quality of health care.
Why are CQI initiatives important for hospitals and health systems?
CQI is used by hospitals to optimize clinical care by reducing variability and reducing costs, to help meet regulatory requirements, also, to enhance customer service quality.


What is the importance of quality improvement in healthcare?
Overall improving the quality and performance in the healthcare environment can help providers with reliable, cost-effective and sustained healthcare processes and enable them to achieve their goal of improving care delivery and enhancing patient outcomes.

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