Instructional strategies for exceptional learners

Choose a topic over Instructional Strategies for Exceptional Learners from the References section (R1-R56) to write a summative journal: Include a minimum of one page reflection and discuss how this information will change what you will do with your own classroom. How will this information improve your teaching and student learning? MY TOPIC: Saenz, T.I & Huer, M.b. Testing strategies involving least biased language assessment of bilingual children. Communication Disorders Quarterly Objective Description – Just the Facts, 5 points Paragraph 1: Summarize the material read (This should be a college length summary, more than half a page typed) Paragraph 2: Discuss a minimum of 2 key points that you learned. This could be new information learned or key points that support what you already know. Reflection, 7 points Minimum of 1-page typed, double-spaced Paragraph 3: Discuss how this information will change (or support) what you will do in your own classroom. How will this information improve your teaching and student learning? Citation, 3 points At the bottom of the last page, cite your work correctly. This should be easy- exactly how it appears in the back of your textbook.

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