In young adults with newly diagnosed hypertension

Using the PICOT question” In young adults with newly diagnosed hypertension, how does the addition of a walking program compared with pharmacologial interventions alone affect blood pressure within 6 months?”

In young adults with newly diagnosed hypertension how does the addition of a walking program compared with pharmacologial interventions alone affect blood pressure within 6 months

Using the PICOT question” In young adults with newly diagnosed hypertension, how does the addition of a walking program compared with pharmacologial interventions alone affect blood pressure within 6 months?”   Apply steps 1–3 of the EBP as described by Melnyk & Fineout-Overholt in Chapter 1.

Step 1: Formulate the Burning Clinical PICOT Question

Step 2: Search for the Best Evidence

Use each of the keywords from the PICOT question to perform a systematic search  Discuss how you performed your search, including search terms and process.

Step 3: Critical Appraisal of Evidence (Initial Thoughts)
Create an annotated bibliography on a minimum of five empirical research studies that resulted from this search. Include the following for each article:

Reference for each study using APA 7th edition format and style

Purpose of the study

Research question(s)/hypotheses

Research design/evidence rating

Summary of how findings contribute to the PICOT questions

Additionally complete a literature search on the PICOT question

“In young adults with newly diagnosed hypertension, how does the addition of a walking program compared with pharmacologial interventions alone affect blood pressue within 6 months?” .

one quantitative and one qualitative research study for approval.

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