Improving diabetes care for underprivileged society

Improving diabetes care for underprivileged society

a. Titleoftheresearcharticleandauthor(s)are listed within the first two paragraphs of paper. ALL authors should be listed. b. Type of research conducted. Refer to the Research course materials if you are uncertain about the types of research. (Case-control, epidemiological, clinical/intervention, qualitative/quantitative, etc.) c. NumberofsubjectsstudiedANDpopulationcharacteristicsofsubjectsusedinthestudy. (Example: 4,585 middle class Spanish women living in Argentina.) d. Methods utilized in the study. (Placebo, control & experimental groups, double-blind, cross- over, randomized, etc. Again, please refer to the Research instructional materials.) e. Lengthofresearchperformed(Ex:90days,5weeks,3years,etc.) f. Conflict of interest. Even if the paper states that there is no conflict of interest, you need to include a statement in your written summary paper. The conflict of interest statement is located in 1 of 2 spots, depending on which journal your article is from:

• For the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, the conflict of interest statement is located on the last page of the article, after the reference list, within the “Author Information” section:

• For articles published in the Journal of Nutrition, the conflict of interest statement is usually stated at the bottom of the first or second page, within the footnotes section, under “Author disclosures”: g. Study findings.Thisinformationiswithinthe“Results” section of the paper.

You will most likely need to reread this section several times to get a good understanding of what the study’s findings entail. Tables and charts may accompany this section of the article. Please interpret as best as you can what the outcomes of the research are. The “Discussion”/“Conclusion” sections will also help to formatively explain the study findings. h. Study limitations.Limitationsareinfluencesthattheresearchersofthestudycannotcontrol. They are the shortcomings, conditions, or influences that place restrictions on the methodology and conclusions. Limitations that influence the results are most likely mentioned in the “Discussion” section, after strengths of the study are discussed. Your paper MUST include the following content IN YOUR OWN WORDS. If you are providing paraphrased, summarized, or quotes from the article and additional resources, you MUST cite accordingly. (Please see APA style guideline links below) :

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