

What are you discussing – define the disease I. Give a brief description of the disease. For example if you are discussing hypertension- then define hypertension for the reader. II. Etiology (Cause) List the cause or causes- you can provide a brief description of the cause(s) if it is not self explanatory. Do not forget about your page limitation. III. Incidence (new cases) and Prevalence (if applicable) Look up what these two terms mean. Dr. Makukutu uses the terms considerably in his microbiology courses. These terms are important in epidemiology(?). IV. Pathophysiology Remember physiology is discussion of the process(es) of normal actions of the body- how does the cell, tissue, organ, system, organism work-normally. Pathophysiology is a an explanation of how abnormal (disease) processes occur- like, for example, how does cancer of the liver work. V. Diagnosis (give different methods if possible) List the methods of diagnoses- you can provide a brief description of the method(s) if it is not self explanatory. Think of History, Physical Examination, Laboratory, Radiology, Nuclear Medicine, EKG, Special Tests, etc. Of course, the types of diagnostic tools that can be used depend on the particular disease. VI. Treatment(s) List the possible treatments- you can provide a brief description of the treatment(s) if it is not self explanatory. VIII. Prognosis What are the expected outcomes from the various treatments? IX. New methods of diagnosis, new treatments (if applicable). Did you find anything new on the topic that is not the currently acceptable to the medical world? IX. References – simply list your reference sources.

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