How Luke edited/changed Mark’s Gospel
Explain how Luke edited/changed Mark’s Gospel for each of the following passages, and what reasons would he have had for doing that. To do this, you first must identify all the changes Luke makes to his Mark source. Then you need to show how those changes contribute to Luke’s overall message, connecting them to Luke’s repeated emphases throughout his Gospel. Use both the following two sets of passages to support your claim, making use ONLY of the resources below (ALL of them!), the Bible, textbooks and Module resources. You may need to appeal to other sections of Luke, to show how these changes fit with wider Lukan themes. 1. How did Luke edit/change Mark 14:3-9 to produce Luke 7:36-50 – and why? (Notice the different location of this passage in Luke’s overall story, compared to its location in Mark’s story.) 2. How did Luke edit/change Mark 3:21,31-35 to produce Luke 8:19-21 – and why? The paper should 350-750 words in length, double-spaced. You must include both reference citations and a bibliography in proper MLA formatting. Resources for Option B: (See the document in the Wk 7 folder regarding how to list these resources in MLA format.) See the eBook available via SLU library: The Gospels edited by Barton and Muddiman (94-95,124,153-155,256-258). (Note that these materials come from articles by three different authors in the Barton & Muddiman resource; reference citations and bibliography entries must list these by article author name, NOT the editors’ names, i.e., by Tuckett, or by Franklin, or by Wansbrough — NOT by Barton and Muddiman.) See the eBook available via SLU library: Luke: A Commentary by Carroll (174-180, 189-19). Bibliography Resources for Option B: — ALL OF THE RESOURCES MUST BE UTILIZED AND REFERENCED IN THE Bibliography. Carroll, John T. Luke: A Commentary. Westminster John Knox Press, 2012. Franklin, Eric. “Luke.” The Gospels. Edited by John Barton and John Muddiman, Oxford University Press, 2010. Tuckett, C. M. “Mark.” The Gospels. Edited by John Barton and John Muddiman, Oxford University Press, 2010. Wansbrough, Henry. “The Four Gospels in Synopsis.” The Gospels. Edited by John Barton and John Muddiman, Oxford University Press, 2010. For more information about MLA format, see:
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