How Israeli media and Palestinian media are covering COVID-19

A compare and contrast how Israeli media and Palestinian media are covering COVID-19.

How Israeli media and Palestinian media are covering COVID-19

A compare and contrast how Israeli media and Palestinian media are covering COVID-19.

More details;

The novel coronavirus pandemic will shape the politics and economics of the Middle East in both the immediate and long term. As the pandemic’s repercussions will be felt far beyond public health. Many of the dynamics that were set in motion before this crisis will be accelerated by its onset. While Israel closely watches the side effects of the pandemic as they evolve into potential security threats. It should also keep an eye on the opportunities for regional cooperation and stabilization that arise as its surrounding landscape changes.

Numerous countries in the region were knee-deep in multi-faceted crises long before the virus erupted. The status quo in the majority of the Middle East. Firstly, poor economic conditions. Secondly, an influx of immigrants and refugees. Thirdly, violent civil wars and internal conflicts. Fourthly failing and corrupt bureaucracies. Additionally, has evolved into a landscape with threats and opportunities alike. When it comes to the pandemic, the feeble governments and authoritarian regimes in the region have a strong political incentive to hide the truth from their constituents and the rest of the world. Many cannot collect the relevant data and make sense of it. This is a major handicap that will impair any capability to handle the pandemic and allocate (almost non-existent) resources to keep their countries afloat.

Iran, already reeling under tough sanctions and historic unrest, was one of the first countries worldwide to experience a widespread outbreak. It became a hotspot largely due to its close economic ties with China and Tehran’s rampant mismanagement. Officially, the Islamic Republic reports over 76,000 cases and more than 4,700 fatalities, but health experts assess the real numbers to be far higher.

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