How does the topic relate to what is happening in your country?

How does the topic relate to what is happening in your country? Your requirement is for a minimum of 200 words and FULL MLA formatting of at least one reference.

How does the topic relate to what is happening in your country

These reports connect the content of the week to your assigned country. How does the topic relate to what is happening in your country? Your requirement is for a minimum of 200 words and FULL MLA formatting of at least one reference. Your response should include an in-text citation showing me where you use the reference source and also a reference section at the bottom of your post. Start each report with a professional greeting, identifying yourself as a Leader from your assigned country. You are writing this report to other World Leaders from different countries, informing them of the situation in your country. (Worth 75 points)
You will respond to at least one other student with a thoughtful well written response.

More details;

For many of us, it has been a stunning experience to find ourselves adjusting our daily routines. This is to take safety precautions to protect ourselves, loved ones, and neighbors.

In the midst of this global pandemic, we are reflecting in real-time on how systems undergo large-scale transformation—how government, businesses, schools, cities, and communities adapt and make fundamental changes to existing ways of working. This issue of systems change and, more specifically, how education initiatives scale and spread, is a topic that we at the Center for Universal Education (CUE) have been exploring in our Real-time Scaling Labs over the past year. Through learning from, documenting, and also supporting the process of expanding and deepening the impact of education initiatives around the world, the labs aim to develop concrete, practical guidance on key drivers that contribute to large-scale transformative change in education.

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