How did the strategies promoted by Booker T. Washington differ from those of WEB DuBois and Booker T. Washington

How did the strategies promoted by Booker T. Washington differ from those of WEB DuBois and Booker T. Washington? Which were more effective.

Paper details To better answer this question you will have to read Washington’s speech: and WEB DuBois’ response: The video below will also help clarify the discourse between both thinkers/leaders. You must read both links in order to get credit for this post. You will not get points for summarizing from the textbook. Refrain from summarizing their lives, we do not need to read a biography but read your analysis of their arguments. ps: When citing the author of the course text, please know that her name is Darlene Clark Hines. When citing note her name as Hines.

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