Healthy People 2020

health wellness


Paper details:

1) Healthy People 2020 Assignment | Due 10/26 by 11:59 PM | Website Prepare a 5 PAGE APA 6th edition style double-spaced paper that summarizes what Healthy People 2020 is, and what its goals are in your own words.

1) In the introduction, explain how many topics there are on the website, and select one topic area of interest. 2) In the body

a. Provide three background points about the topic area i. Describe the main goal of the topic you have chosen?

ii. Who is affected by the problem? iii. What other topics does it connect to? You can use the related links on the page in order to make your project more complete. For example, if you are doing a project on mental health, a related link on the page is “drug use.” Given that many drug users have mental health problems, you can speak to the link between mental health and drug use.

iv. What steps are being taken to improve the outcomes of this topic? 3) Write a sound conclusion. a. Say what you learned b. State in what ways the website was helpful to you. c. Add any ideas or predictions you may have about the future related to your topic

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