Health Care Facility

Health Care Facility


This assignment should be as comprehensive as possible about the health care facility.

It is important to include a statement of the purpose of the practicum and where it will be conducted. A discussion of the health care facility’s mission, goals, values, philosophy, and services that are relevant to the project should be documented. A summary of the organizational structure and the decision making process used throughout the facility should be delineated.

You must also complete a SWOT analysis in paper 1. Students should also present a summary of other facility/departmental data such as the type of personnel, the facility’s funding and the financial stability of the facility, etc. It may also be important to document relevant data about similar health care facilities in the service area, as well as social, economic, or demographic data as well as political factors and any significant trends. Paper should be double spaced , index included. My position is a medical biller and I started August 19. description of job will be attached along with a sample paper from previous student. 10 pages

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