Gentrification in seattle

For your excursion this week, you will conduct a short interview with someone who has observed or been directly affected by gentrification. This interview can be with someone you know well or with a community member; it can be a scripted, formal interview, or an informal conversation. All interviews will need to be recorded in one way or another. This might require asking permission to record via your phone or another device, or it might mean taking notes. You will need to decide in advance how to introduce yourself and your research subject, and how to frame the conversation so that it yields rich results in response to your guiding questions. You will also want to take account of your own positionality and the ways in which your identities will necessarily shape the conversation that takes place. Once you have completed the interview, please type up a transcript of your conversation (excerpts are fine for longer interviews) to submit alongside your 1-2-page reflection (the minimum page requirement is for the reflection and excludes the transcript). In your reflection, please describe your process and respond to the following questions: How did it feel to conduct the interview(s)? How did you explain your project to your interviewees and how do you think that might have shaped the responses from interviewees? How does what you found from your interview(s) differ from what you expected to find? How did the broader situational/spatial context and your own personal experience and positionality influence your assumptions going into the interview? How could your interview fit within a broader analysis of income inequality, gentrification, and displacement in the Puget Sound?

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