Extract attribute weights from attitude ratings using conjoint analysis

Extract attribute weights from attitude ratings using conjoint analysis

Understand how to extract attribute weights from attitude ratings using conjoint analysis. Get hands-on experience with conducting regressions and understanding regression output.

extract attribute weights from attitude ratings using conjoint analysis

Purpose of Assignment
Firstly,  Understand how to extract attribute weights from attitude ratings using conjoint analysis.

Secondly, Get hands-on experience with conducting regressions and understanding regression output.

Submission Instructions
Remember to Submit two parts of the assignment: One Excel file with your work (follow this template) and one Word Doc with the results and interpretation (follow this template).

Also, Attach these to an email to email@email.com with “Conjoint: First and Last Name 1, First and Last Name 2” in the subject line (e.g., “Conjoint: Sharifa Nguyen, Steven Smith”). Make sure to copy your partner.

Completion Instructions

Firstly, Choose a Product Category, Attributes, and Attribute Levels

Secondly, Choose a category that you think is fun so you can enjoy the process (e.g., potential dates, vacation destinations, movies, etc.).

Also, Choose three attributes of that product category which you are interested in examining, and come up with two levels for each attribute. If you choose a product that has a monetary cost, include price as one of your product categories so you can see price sensitivity and trade-offs between attributes will be easier to understand.

Further, Create Stimuli, Gather Data, Analyze Data

Moreover, Follow the steps listed in the lecture to create your matrix of products.

Then, turn that into a table that you send to two consumers to gather their ratings for each product. Make sure you present the products in random order in the table. [Note: If you were doing this in industry, you will get more accurate results if you present each product one at a time rather than all at once in a table. And, you would provide the actual products rather than descriptions of them.]

Follow the steps listed in the lecture to analyze the data using the regression function in Excel for each consumer separately.

Assemble Output to Turn In

Lastly, You will turn in (1) an Excel file and (2) a Word Doc. Follow format of templates and submission instructions listed above.

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