Experimental design mouse as models

Experimental design mouse as models

This is an essay that describes the experimental design by justifying the use of mouse as models. The essay also justifies the method for each method of measure.

Experimental design by justifying the use of mouse as models

Research Proposal:
Include in research proposal:
A simple introduction of the proposal before the including the following points like the one provided in the example. However, for this topic hypothesis don’t copy from the example provided because it’s a completely different topic.

1. Experimental design:

Describe your experimental design (mouse) )by justifying the use of the mouse as models. Additionally, the method used for extraction of proteins from oats and the method or process of the hydrolysis of extracted proteins like pepsin and pancreatin, animal experiment like feeding(ex: record food ,daily weight ,etc. Also, how long /number of groups and number of individuals in each group and how you will collect sample from the mice.
Note: after writing the above information include a simple diagram based on the experiment for this proposal. As shown in the example of research proposal provided to help you see the format and don’t just copy the information from the example provided ).
Note: the places where I wrote etc. means include more things not just the once I gave to make the experiment

2. Endpoint measurements:

Provide a justification and method for each endpoint measurement you propose to perform. Also, how they are the methods you will be using to measure the obesity of mice like total cholesterol, lipase activity, fat accumulation, etc.
Note: include at least 4 end point measurements
Note: the places where I wrote etc. means include more things not just the once I gave to make the experiment.

3.Expected results Describe your expected results (relate to hypothesis); include rationale

4. Significance and implications: End with the significance of the results and implications in a larger context

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