Experience in a Counseling Growth Group

At least 10 full pages of body (does not include the Title, Abstract and Reference page) that describe your experience in a counseling growth group and will include:(1) a discussion of the open communication process (use of listening, self-disclosure, feedback, etc.) in creating an atmosphere conductive to the development of group trust and cohesiveness; (2) the progress of your group through the specific development stages, (3) a discussion of the various curative factors existing within the group,

(4) the various roles played by yourself and other group members, (5) and the leadership style exhibited by the small group facilitators. In essence, please provide an analytical overview and description of your group’s development with emphasis on and reference to the various theories, practices, and processes. Please give specific and concrete examples from the counseling group experience to support and substantiate your statements. Paper should include (8) professional literature references related to the efficacy of group counseling. APA style/format must be followed.

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